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Multidiszciplináris kihívások, sokszínű válaszok2. sz. (2020.)



  • Belovecz Mária ,
    Ipacsné Gedei Beáta ,
    Halmosi Tímea :

    Summary: The two-tier banking system in 2017 was 30 years old in Hungary. More than 10 years after the economic crisis, it is definitely useful to conduct an analysis of a leading bank and its corporate clientele. Our research are conducted with quarterly data from 2011 to release our analysis from potentially datadistorting data after the 2008 world crisis. The current study covers the period between 2011 and 2016, and applies linear correlation analysis to examine the effect of changes in loan policy on total outstanding corporate loans. Micro-businesses, small businesses, medium-size businesses and large businesses are analysed separately. The former two categories react to all changes in economic conditions and policies more sensitively than larger corporations in any time period. The analysis covered the correlation between total corporate deposits and the national base rate, and showed that they are reversely proportional. The statistics also examined the relationship between total loans outstanding, and changes in interest rates and terms and conditions. It is again revealed that micro and small businesses show stronger correlation than medium-sized and large corporations. It is also proven that interest rates have a stronger impact than terms and conditions, showing that the corporate sector is very susceptible to changes in interest rates.

    Kulcsszavak: hitelállomány, vállalkozások, lineáris korrelációs együttható, OTP Bank Nyrt.

    Keywords: total outstanding loans, corporate, linear correlation coefficient, OTP Bank

    JEL kód: G21

  • Erdei Attila :

    Summary: The spread of the Internet and the expansion of cyberspace is playing an increasingly important role in electronic commerce of goods and services. Public transport could not be excluded from this process, as service providers who recognized the benefits of the system on time and applied it in a timely manner were able to gain enormous competitive advantage over their competitors. In the United States, airlines have been introducing electronic commerce solutions for the first time since the early 1980s, as competition was so strong that market players had to grab all the tools to benefit. Today, the vast majority of airline ticket sales take place electronically. In rail transport, e-tickets have also emerged, with the beginning of European distribution in the early 2000s. In the case of the railway, new methods had to be developed, mainly because of the different travel habits, open access, etc. Of course, in this case, too, it was first introduced by capital-intensive and large passenger railway companies such as Deutsche Bahn (DB), Schweizerische Bundesbahnen (SBB) and Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Français (SNCF). In the Hungarian rail transport, electronic trading opportunities have been introduced with a few years delay. Today, less than 60% of tickets and tickets are sold at ticket offices. According to the statistics of 2018, the number of tickets and passes sold in alternative (vending machines, internet, Vonatinfo) is increasing. My aim in my study is to investigate the challenges of the implementation of the electronic ticketing system and experience of its application at MÁV-START Zrt. During my research I typically use secondary data, foreign scientific results, and internal data of the company.

    Kulcsszavak: vasút, elektronikus kereskedelem, hatékonyság

    Keywords: rail, electronic commerce, efficiency

    JEL kód: R40, R28, O18, L81

  • Erdeiné Késmárki-Gally Szilvia :

    Summary: Precision farming is a set of technical, IT, information technology and production technology applications that make production and agricultural machinery organization more efficient. Precision farming is increasingly used in agriculture today. The demand for agricultural products will grow dynamically over the next few decades, and this can be met by more efficient production, an important tool. The development of precision agricultural technology, mechanization and agricultural informatics has undergone significant development in recent years. Its spread is due to the combination of agricultural technical and IT developments. As a result of development, various digital devices and software are now available to farmers in Hungary. Precision farming means the practical appearance of digitized agriculture, the use of digital solutions in agriculture, where developments are directed to how to manage in a more competitive way, to increase efficiency, while also placing great emphasis on environmental sustainability. Agri-digitalization promotes stability and predictability, increases efficiency, and makes competitiveness and higher income levels available. Precision farming is now an indispensable part of competitive agricultural production, helping to rationalize farming costs. It can be said that farms are open to precision solutions, but there are challenges to effective spreading, e.g. properly trained workforce, capital, etc. The main purpose of my research is to review the importance of agricultural precision farming in terms of competitiveness.

    Kulcsszavak: automata kormányzás, digitalizáció, hatékonyság, költség

    Keywords: automatic steering, digitalization, efficiency, cost

    JEL kód: O13, O32, Q16

  • Faragó Beatrix ,
    Konczosné Szombathelyi Márta :

    Summary: One of the manifestations of the relationship between identity and sport is when sport strengthens community life and the community is an active member and supporter of the sport. National or regional identity is a cultural heritage. In this aspect, sports identity can be interpreted as a part of social culture. The study presents the relationship between sport and local identity and their impact on social capital. Our research aims to assess the athlete's identity and examine its impact on the social capital of an area. The question is whether integration into sport becomes an identity; and what extent would the respondents stay in / stay in sports or their region after their sports career? We examine the impact of athletes' identities on the educational and economic environment, as they form a decisive segment of training and the labor market. The attitudes of identities about sport are reflected in the capital elements that appear in the development and competitiveness of the region. Identity patterns illustrate the definition of athletes, regional, national identities and their effects on each other. Empirical research shows that the athlete's identity appears at the athletes, its effect on the territorial capital is valid as a component of territorial, social and human capital. The result of the research is a new direction in the elements of the competitiveness development mechanism, which shows the capital value of the athlete segment.

    Kulcsszavak: identitás, társadalmi tőke, kultúra, sportoló, regionalitás

    Keywords: identity, social capital, culture, athletes, regionalism

    JEL kód: M14

  • Kolonics Patricia ,
    Pónusz Mónika :

    Summary: In our study, we would like to present an overwiev of the sharing economy, to prove its existence through some international examples, and try to prove its justification in Hungary and to present the domestic areas where it can be carried out. We intend to make this economic model known to as many people as possible, to inspire thoughts among the different age groups and sexes, to make them think about which opportunities, and tools they can apply in their lives. We would also like to draw attention to the importance of protecting the environment, our living space, and the environmentally conscious behaviour. A mixed methodology was used: expert deep interview – online questionnaire, presentation of PwC study suggestions.

    Kulcsszavak: megosztásos gazdaság, közösségi gazdaság, együttműködő gazdaság, együttműködő fogyasztás

    Keywords: Sharing Economy, Collaborative Economy, Collaborative Consumption

    JEL kód: M14

  • Kontó Gizella ,
    Bajza István :

    Summary: In our changing, globalizing world, local action is increasingly becoming a reality for economic actors to take responsibility for their environment and society. It is becoming increasingly important how individuals perceive the role of the company in its value process. Our research investigated how widespread the CSR in a segment of market participants, insurance companies. Hypotheses: H1: Only major insurance companies perform CSR activities. H2: The form of CSR activity does not differ significantly between them. H3: Support is the biggest investment between CSR programs. H4: They spend less than 5% of annual operating results on CSR activities Methodology: Secondary research from CSR reports on insurance companies’ websites. We are focusing on the role of the 5 largest among them. Primary quantitative research in a survey of a self-contained electronic questionnaire sent to 13 insurers who perform CSR activities according to their website. Results: We are pleased to see that CSR is gaining ground in the insurance market as a result of companies and the banking sector. Smaller insurance companies mainly use grants and donations, while the larger ones carry out CSR actions with a wider range of actions. CSR activities of large insurance companies do not differ significantly: they are built on support, volunteering for employees and the environment. It is important to emphasize that in the field of education, people are trying to sensitize the population and especially young people in terms of health care, accident and injury prevention, as well as security and insurance as financial services. A common feature of sport is the prominent appearance of sports, but many insurance companies sponsor nationally-recognized sports clubs or Hungarian national teams, which does not necessarily imply real social responsibility, but rather an advertising space for the insurance institution. According to the questionnaire survey, insurance companies spend less than 5% of the annual profit on CSR activity.

    Kulcsszavak: társadalmi felelősségvállalás, CSR, környezettudatosság, biztosító társaságok

    Keywords: CSR, enviromental sustainability, insurance companies

    JEL kód: G22, G32, L29, M31, Q59


  • Marciniak Róbert ,
    Móricz Péter ,
    Baksa Máté :

    Summary: The business service sector has been the most dynamically developing sector in the past 15 years not only in Hungary but in the whole Central Eastern European region. Now approximately 110 business service centers operating in Hungary employ about 55,000 foreign language graduates directly, thus having a significant impact on the domestic development of the service sector. As in other segments of the economy, significant advances have been made in the business services sector as well with the new wave of digitization. The aim of research was to reveal the latest developments in digitalization and automation that will contribute to the efficiency goals of the business service sector. An extensive questionnaire and interview research were conducted in participation with the management of domestic service centers. The research revealed the current level of digital maturity in the Hungarian business service sector, identified which new digital technologies have the greatest role in transformation, the prevalence of the latest digitization and automation technologies, their contribution to organizational operation, and the project management challenges that these technologies face. As an additional result of the research, a number of hypotheses were formulated on how digitization affects the future of the sector, as a result of digital transformation what kind of transformations are expected in the number of employees of business service centers, with the added value of the services provided, where the service centers will be in the organizational hierarchy and the value chain with other organizations in few years.

    Kulcsszavak: Üzleti szolgáltató szektor, SSC, BPO, outsourcing, digitalizáció, automatizáció, digitális transzformáció

    Keywords: Business Services Sector, SSC, BPO, Outsourcing, digitalization, automation, digital transformation

    JEL kód: M10, M12, M15, M19