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Journal of Eurasian StudiesVolume 4 Issue 3 (July - September 2012)


  • Farkas Flórián :
    Dear Reader7en [486.33 kB - PDF]EPA-01521-00015-0010


  • Юрий Алексеевич Тамбoвцев :

    TAMBOVTSEV, Yuri: Ethnographic Criminalistics: to which People are the Hungarians Closer on the Basis of their Dactiloscopic Data?

    The article deals with the typological distances between different ethnic groups of Hungarians, Mansi, Estonian and some other peoples. Hungarians are put into the group of Ugric peoples, together with Mansi and Hanty. The goal of the investigation is to state how logical it is to unite Hungarians with the Ob-Ugric peoples, i.e. Mansi and Hanty.

    The distances are based on the dactiloscopic, that is, dermatoglyphic characteristics which usually reflect the genome well enough. The great values of ethno-typological distances between Hungarians and the ethnic groups of Mansi indicate their different origin. Even such ethnic groups of Mansi (Sosva, Vagil and Ivdel Mansi) showed their different origin. The ethno-typological differences caused the dialect differences. The same tendency was found for the two ethnic groups of Estonians: Vyro (Southern) and Haapsala (Northern). Two ethnic groups of Nenets: Northern and Southern also have different dialects. Therefore, ethnic substratum causes the dialect differences.

    Key words: ethno-typological distances, dermatoglyphic characteristics, dialects, Hungarians, Sosva, Vagil and Ivdel Mansi, Estonians, Vyro, South Jamal (Forest) Nenets.



  • Balázs Lajos :
    Erotica, obscenitatea si pragmatismul taranesc al dainuirii55ro [1.32 MB - PDF]EPA-01521-00015-0050

    Eroticism, Obscenity and the Peasant Pragmatism of Survival

    Present paper aims to draw up a draft of the socio-cultural context of eroticism and of obscenity in the traditional sexual culture of a Hungarian village from the Szeklerland.

    The background of this commitment consists in a fourty-year folkloristic and ethnographic research in the field of human life's great moments – birth, marriage, and death – an enormous task that led to the publication of three momunmental monographs of these moments and of a synthesis on psychological grounds.

    Under the influence of the quantitative immensity and – primarily – on the basis of the gathered material, within the framework of the preceiding research the idea of an in depth knowledge of the culture and morals of peasant sexuality was born. I sensed a real deficiency of former research in the field of life's moments of passage. I am talking about a neglect with reference to the "binder", of that spiritual, affective, sensual, moral, psychic and factual substance that consolidates the three pylons of an individual's life and at the same time makes these fulfill their social mission and function in the rural community's life. In other words, I was dissatisfied with the fact that individuals' and communities' great moments – birth, marriage, and death – are treated in an isolated manner, separately from one another. Or the periods of time and the events taking place between these great moments of passage are filled and linked by factors such as love and hate, passion, attraction and refusal, interests, sentiments, instincts – thus spiritual and sincere drives, calcualted and instinctual ones which in peasant societies are not at all outside their traditional culture.

    The paper reliefs exactly those power lines of the book of approximately 800 pages which determine, what is even more direct the evolution of the erotic sentiment and acts of accomplishment, starting from childhood to their dusk, highlighting their multiple and arborescent general and particular aspects.

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Classical Writings on Eurasia


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